Young Brit’s view of Alaska: “smashing”

In Adventure, Lodging, Parks, Travel Stories by scott


For the past two weeks, I’ve hosted a young Brit on a “Journalism Intensive” here at Castle McMurren. The castle actually is under siege as we remodel the kitchen. I know…timing is everything. Above, our visit with British Honorary Consul Dr. Diddy Hitchins.


Regardless, Samuel David “SD” Jones, has produced a fine blog detailing his adventures-in-storytelling. He’s reported from here in Anchorage on the shores of Ship Creek, from the wilds of Denali National Park, from the inside of several sleazy bars, from a live music-video shoot in Homer with Hobo Jim…and much more. Right: on the banks of the Kenai River with me and #1 son, Drew McMurren. Oh…SD did not use the word “smashing”. But I thought it sounded nice. Pure fiction on my part. HA

Of course, “SD” is 8455683288_88cca6c07e_onot the first Brit to explore Alaska. That honor goes to Capt. James Cook. You know…the one who built the hotel downtown. J-u-s-t kidding.

KIDS THESE DAYS. After about 10 days in Alaska, his oh-so-British snark-style is emerging. In a proper way, dontchyaknow. CHECK IT OUT. FOLLOW ALONG.


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